Will Ruth Pond to Improve Northeast Flood Control
Neighborhoods across Northeast El Paso have been particularly vulnerable to flash floods during heavy rains, creating hazards for businesses, residents, motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. To help improve safety during heavy rain events, El Paso Water will soon kick off construction of the Will Ruth Pond - a key component of EPWater's Stormwater Master Plan.
About Will Ruth Pond
The Will Ruth Pond will be a large-scale stormwater project designed to address long-standing flooding issues in Northeast El Paso. When it's completed, Will Ruth Pond will be capable of holding over 100 million gallons of stormwater - protecting homes, businesses, and streets from flooding in major storms. The final design of the pond will include concrete lining and decorative rock walls placed around its perimeter.
What To Expect During Construction
Construction is scheduled to begin in February 2025. The first phase of work will include removing 14 million cubic feet of dirt from the site. It will be removed by trucks which will travel along Will Ruth and Threadgill to McCombs Street and onto Loop 375. The construction of the pond itself will take place in 2025 and 2026. Following this, the second phase, running from 2026 to 2027, will focus on building culverts, drains, and other associated infrastructure. While minimal impacts to city streets are expected during the first phase, more impacts should be expected during the second phase of construction.