EPWater, La Nube student art and video contest

EL PASO – El Paso Water’s TecH2O Center and La Nube: The Shape of Imagination, the new children’s museum and science center, are urging students to enter an art contest for an opportunity to have their work displayed at the museum. The theme of the contest is “Water is Life,” as interpreted by the artist, and can reflect themselves, their home, and/or their region.

“We share our love for El Paso with La Nube, and we are excited to encourage our youth to show off their creativity, especially about the importance of water in our region,” said Jennifer Barr, Water Conservation Manager for EPWater.

The contest consists of three categories: elementary (2D art); middle school (photos); high school (video). Artwork selected as part of this contest will be exhibited at La Nube, opening late 2023 in downtown El Paso. Top winners will receive La Nube gift bags, gift cards, tickets and recognition at a Chihuahuas game. Artwork will be displayed at La Nube’s water exhibit, Flow.

“This is about encouraging lifelong learning through active exploration,” said Barry Van Deman, Executive Director of La Nube. “We’re hoping to engage with students in and out of the museum, and this art contest is a great start.”

EPWater has played an advisory role on the Flow exhibit to assure that water conservation and water recycling messages were fully integrated. The utility is also promoting El Paso’s high-quality tap water at bottle fill-up stations throughout the interactive museum.

Official rules and guidelines, including a consent form can be found here. All entries must be uploaded by 5:00pm MST on Thursday, April 6, 2023. Elementary submissions must be dropped off by the deadline as well. For a list of drop-off locations, click here. Late entries will not be judged. A confirmation email will notify participants their entry was received. For more information about the contest, visit la-nube.org/contest.

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