Water loss can occur as a result of main breaks, leaks in the system, unauthorized water use or even meter errors. At El Paso Water, we work hard to minimize water loss because we understand the value of water and the need to conserve our resources for future generations.
How do we manage water loss?
- The utility has installed high-tech leak detection acoustic tools that "listen" for water main breaks. These warning systems help EPWater proactively fix a leak before it becomes a break. As a result, we save thousands of gallons of water every day.
- EPWater conducts condition assessments of our pipelines so that we know when pipeline replacements are needed. This information helps shape our annual capital improvement plan.
- We are phasing in meter technology that has sensors to detect leaks on service lines (on private property) or on nearby utility lines. Staff monitors for alerts so the customers or appropriate utility staff can be notified and leaks can be repaired.
How can YOU help us manage water loss?
- Please report if you see large quantities of water rushing down a street on a dry day, it may be a main break.
- Please report leaks. A large pipeline leak may look like a geyser, or a small leak may simply look like a trickle from a crack in the road.
- Please report if you see someone illegally tampering with or opening a fire hydrant.
For these types of emergencies, we are available 24/7 at 915-594-5500. You can also call 311.
Infrastructure Leak Index: A metric of water loss management
EPWater conducts an annual water loss audit for submission to the Texas Water Development Board. One of the required metrics for the audit is the Infrastructure Leak Index (ILI), which is considered a best practice benchmarking tool. EPWater aims for an ILI of less than three, and we usually are successful.