AguaRepairs Leak Repair Program

AguaRepairs program funds are currently exhausted, and new applications are not being accepted. Check back periodically for program updates.
AguaRepairs is a residential water leak repair program focused on making plumbing repairs in single-family homes owned by EPWater customers.
EPWater has contracted with Rebuilding Together El Paso, Inc., to manage and administer the AguaRepairs Leak Repair Program.
Fill out the application (english pdf) (spanish pdf) and return it to Rebuilding Together:
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 6400 Airport Road, Bldg A, Suite G, El Paso, TX 79925
For questions regarding eligibility or qualifying leaks, contact Rebuilding Together at 915.832.7010.
Frequently Asked Questions
Eligibility and repair work will be performed through a third-party entity. Funding is limited. Rebuilding Together is an independent contractor, and nothing contained herein will constitute or designate the Entity or any of its employees as employees of EPWater.