Wastewater main break in Northeast El Paso

Crews working to repair force main 

– On Sunday afternoon, EPWater discovered a wastewater main break and spill on the 10300 block of Railroad Drive in a non-residential area of Northeast El Paso. Crews are working to make repairs to the 30-inch line after the break was isolated late Monday morning.

Wastewater is no longer flowing out of the main, and a secondary wastewater line is moving flows to the nearby Fred Hervey Water Reclamation Facility.

A final calculation of spilled wastewater has not been determined, but EPWater officials confirm it has exceeded 100,000 gallons, most of which made its way to a nearby stormwater retainment pond. No water or wastewater services were affected. The public drinking water supply is not at risk.

The following is required language from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for a wastewater discharge event of this size:

Although it was determined that the public water supply was not affected, EPWater customers or persons who purchase water from another public water supply may contact their water supply distributor to determine if the water is safe for personal use.

Persons using private drinking water supply wells located within 1/2-mile of the spill site or within the potentially affected area should use only water that has been distilled or boiled at a rolling boil for at least one minute for all personal uses including drinking, cooking, bathing, and tooth brushing. Individuals with private water wells should have their well water tested and disinfected, if necessary, prior to discontinuing distillation or boiling.

The public should avoid contact with wastewater or soil in the area affected by the discharge. If contact is made, it is advised to bathe and wash clothes thoroughly as soon as possible.

For customers who have questions about the wastewater spill, please contact Angel Bustamante, Wastewater Systems Division Manager at (915) 594-5401.

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