Thirty-four years. That’s how long Montana Vista resident Abraham Rascon has been hoping wastewater system infrastructure would reach his neighborhood. On Monday April 20, 2020, that wait was over. Rascon was the fifth home to connect to the new Montana Vista Wastewater System, which will bring first-time wastewater service to nearly 800 homes in a first phase. The project was made possible by $12.9 million in funding from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) through the Economically Disadvantaged Assistance Program (EDAP) and collaborative efforts over many years between El Paso Water, El Paso County and elected officials.
“I thank God this day has finally arrived,” Rascon said. “We can now shower with lots of joy knowing our septic tank won’t overfill.”
The 2,400 plus homes in Montana Vista have relied primarily on septic tanks since they are outside the city limits and EPWater service area. Rascon says regularly maintaining his tank was logistically and financially difficult, causing serious health hazards. But through the TWDB financial assistance, his now obsolete septic tank has been cleaned and decommissioned.
State Rep. Dr. Mary E. Gonzalez, who represents the area and was instrumental in acquiring the financial assistance for the project, witnessed the connection of the first six homes on Ekery Avenue.
“This day is a testament of what can happen when people come together to help a community,” Gonzalez said. “The residents, community leaders and El Paso Water fought for decades so these folks could have wastewater infrastructure. And we have finally realized it; I’m so grateful.”
Phase I of the project is scheduled to be completed in summer of 2021. EPWater continues to seek additional funding to begin phases II and III of the project. For neighborhood construction updates on this project, click here to subscribe to the Montana Vista Wastewater Project e-mail newsletter.