Take a look around El Paso, and it’s evident that water conservation is a way of life.
Shady, colorful desert plants dot landscapes across the city, where large, water-wasting lawns are no longer the standard. For nearly 30 years, El Pasoans have been doing their part to conserve our most precious resource in the Chihuahuan Desert.
Expanding on a successful water conservation program, El Paso Water is encouraging customers to water smarter as warmer temperatures arrive. The Water Smarter public campaign aims to empower customers with tips to save water around their homes while also saving money on their monthly water bills.
“Because of our successful campaign and educational programs, El Pasoans have embraced conservation,” said Anai Padilla, Water Conservation Manager. “However, it is always a good idea to remind our customers that we live in a desert and water is our most valuable resource.”
Watering schedule in force
As temperatures climb, El Pasoans start preparing their gardens for the spring. Warmer temperatures increase the demand for water.
April marks the beginning of the time-of-day watering schedule, which allows residents to water their landscapes up to three times a week before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Following this schedule reduces water loss from evaporation.
Even-numbered addresses may water Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. Odd-numbered addresses may water Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. No residential watering is allowed Mondays.
Small changes have a huge impact when transforming your garden into a water-efficient desert landscape. Padilla suggested the following tips:
- Select plants adapted to El Paso’s climate and know your soil type.
- Water shrubs using drip irrigation, where possible.
- Use mulches to eliminate water loss through evaporation.
Local nurseries, as opposed to big chain stores, specialize in native plants, Padilla said. To learn more about desert-friendly plants, please visit www.elpasodesertblooms.org. EPWater’s interactive site offers many ideas to create a beautiful, water-efficient garden in the Chihuahuan Desert.
How you can take part
For decades, El Pasoans have made wise water use a daily ritual. Padilla offered a few simple tips.
“Use cooled water after cooking pasta or leftover ice cubes to water your plants,” she said. “Also, replace plumbing fixtures with those that are stamped with the WaterSense logo, similar to ENERGY STAR for energy efficiency.”
As part of the campaign, EPWater invites our customers to join the movement and show us how you are watering smarter.
Please share your photos with us, demonstrating how you are doing your part to conserve water. Use the hashtag #WaterSmarterEP so we can follow along on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Participants may be eligible to receive promotional materials.
For more information on how to water smarter both indoors and outdoors, please visit our conservation page.