Over the past 30 years, El Pasoans have made it their duty to conserve water in their homes and businesses. As a result, our community has successfully reduced our overall water consumption by more than 30%. Yet, water conservation requires the continuous effort of our entire community.
EPWater continues to encourage customers to conserve and be active participants in sustaining our water supply. Through EPWater’s Water Smarter campaign, social media and radio messages will provide customers with simple tips to save water, which will also save money by lowering monthly water bills.
“Water use spikes in spring and summer months as a result of outdoor watering, so now is good opportunity for customers to consider setting some effective strategies to help conserve water,” said Anai Padilla, Water Conservation Manager. “With more of us staying home these days, we have seen water consumption rise over the last year, so we need to practice water conservation now more than ever.”
When to water
As the weather shifts toward warmer temperatures and El Pasoans begin prepping their landscapes, it’s important for customers to remember when to water.
April marks the beginning of the time-of-day watering schedule, which allows residents to water their landscapes up to three times a week before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. By following this schedule, customers can reduce water loss that occurs as temperatures rise and evaporation increases.
Homes with even-numbered addresses should limit watering to Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. Odd-numbered addresses should limit watering to Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. No residential watering is allowed Mondays.
In abiding by this schedule, residents are helping to keep our water tanks at optimum levels during our most demanding months, and our aquifers from being overly stressed when river water is in short supply.
Padilla also suggests the following tips for small changes with huge impact when transforming your garden into a water-efficient desert landscape:
- Select plants adapted to El Paso’s climate and know your soil type – visit www.elpasodesertblooms.org to learn more about desert-friendly plants.
- Water shrubs using drip irrigation, where possible.
- Use mulches to eliminate water loss through evaporation.
Join the #WaterSmarterEP movement
Among the many benefits conservation provides, it helps our customers where it matters most – their wallets.
The more water you use, the more you pay, but the Water Smarter campaign is geared to equip customers with simple, yet effective ways on how to conserve water and save money. The campaign will share information via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and radio to reach and engage customers.
“This campaign will continue to help foster our culture of conservation,” said Christina Montoya, Communications and Marketing Manager. “The more people we can empower to act, the more we will ultimately safeguard a water supply for today and future generations.”
Living in the desert comes with its own set of challenges when it comes to ensuring water sustainability.
“EPWater takes into consideration all factors which could affect our water supply,” said Montoya. “For example, the shorter river season this year underscores the importance of our community to continue conservation efforts.”
EPWater invites our customers to join the movement and show us how you are watering smarter.
Please share your photos with us, demonstrating how you are doing your part to conserve water. Use the hashtag #WaterSmarterEP so we can follow along on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, and keep an ear out on your favorite radio stations for our Water Smarter tips.
The campaign kicks off in March and will continue through May. For more information on how to be water smarter both indoors and outdoors, please visit the conservation page.